Meet the Team
Quantum for All is an ecosystem of professionals from multiple areas including academia, research, businesses, and individuals. By working together we can be on the cutting edge of technology, education best practice, and research. Below are some of the visionaries for this project and we look forward to adding more as we continue this journey into Quantum Information Science and STEM.
The Principal Investigators for the Project are Dr. Karen Jo Matsler and Dr. Ramon Lopez. Both work at the University of Texas Arlington.

Dr. Karen Jo Matsler, PI
UTeach Arlington, taught HS and university physics for over 30 years; served district K-12 Curriculum Consultant; currently national director for PTRA; served as Co-Director for Rural PTRA grant which was awarded the AIP Excellence in Education Award. Served as external evaluator for numerous NSF, DOE, and state grants, served in a variety of leadership positions for professional organizations such as AAPT, STAT, TSAAPT.

Dr. Ramon Lopez-Co-PI
Professor of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, research in space physics and physics education and Co-Director of UTeach; was a member of the leadership committee that wrote the Next Generation Science Standards. Work has included broadening participation in physics, a Past-President of the National Society of Hispanic Physicists. Fellow of the APS, AAPT, and AAAS.
The Instructional Leadership Team includes respected members from universities, public schools, and community colleges

Kenric Davies
Taught high school physics for 10 years teaching all levels of high school Physics; currently at Texas A&M University

Alice Flarend
A National Board-Certified high school physics teacher for over 25 years with a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, formerly nuclear engineer

Jan Mader
Recently retired after teaching 44 years at Great Falls HS. Former AAPT President and currently adjunct at Great Falls MSU college.

Duane Merrell
Physics Professor at BYU in Provo, Utah after teaching physics and math in high school for 19 years in Arizona and Utah

Tom O'Kuma
Currently retired from Lee College after 44 years. Served as AAPT Treasurer and AAPT President.

Ryan Piwetz
Educator for over 15 years, currently science/engineering teacher at Port Aransas HS. Had early career in the fabrication industry building structures for offshore oil and gas production.
The Instructional Leader Support Team are professional development experts with experience in K-12 education, effective classroom practice, STEM content, curriculum alignment, and share an interest quantum information science.

Victor Cervantes

Meghan Dibacco

Stacy Gwartney

Christine Rittenhouse

Maajida Murdock

Emma Smith

Lars Johnson
Support Team Members

Elaine Gwinn

Janie Head

Steve Henning

Tommi Holsenbeck

Kelvin Kibler

Milo Maughan

Spencer Perry
The Advisory Board includes distinguished members from universities, two year colleges, and research institutes.

Dr. Mario Belloni
Physics Professor at Davidson College; research in mathematical / computational quantum mechanics.

Dr. Dwain Desbien
Physics faculty at Estrella Mountain Community College with academic research interest in the student learning of physics.

Dr. John Donohue
Scientific Outreach Manager, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Background in quantum optics & quantum information science (QIS).

Dr. Jill Marshall
Co-Director for UTeach Natural Sciences, Associate Professor of STEM Education, at The University of Texas Austin, TX.

Dr. Damian Pope
Senior manager for Scientific Outreach at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI). Research background is in quantum information theory and quantum foundations

Dr. Chandralekha Singh
Department of Physics & Astronomy & the Founding Director of the Discipline-based Science Education Research Center (dB-SERC) at the University of Pittsburgh. Past president of AAPT

Dr. Gay Stewart
West Virginia University, Center for STEM Education, Physics Ph.D, UIUC, 1994. Founder of WVU Center for Excellence in STEM Education.