Quantum STEM Camps for Student
The National Quantum STEM camp will be in Arlington, TX June 23-26, 2025. The camp is hosted by Martin High School, Arlington, TX
The time for the camp is from 9AM to 3PM daily.
Topics include: Cryptography, Wave Particle Duality, LIGO, interferometry, Blackbody Radiation, and Quantum Atomic Models.
The link for applications is https://utaedu.questionpro.com/stu2025
The camp is available to any student who will be in grades 9-12 during the 2024-2025 school year.
There are several highlight videos from prior camps below and on the main page.
Quantum STEM camps were offered at multiple sites in 2022 and 2023 for students in grades 9-12. Camps are part of a NSF grant, which includes a research study titled, “Quantum for All Students”. Students can choose to participate in this research study if you have permission from your parents (if under the age of 18). Your decision about whether to participate is entirely up to you. If you decide not to be in the study, there won’t be any punishment or penalty; whatever your choice, there will be no impact on participation in the camp. You can still participate in the camp if you don’t participate in the research